I need a picture of this evil dress!
finally awake
JoinedPosts by finally awake
ugh...now I'm getting mad
by Angus Beef inventing.... hubby visited with sil (with gotee intact), got the wt don't approve speech and the 'we've been missing you at the meetings".. he gave all the excuses he could for why we weren't there.
i'm at the point of just telling them the truth as why... but we will be giving up our grandchildren.
i just don't know if i can do it, give up the grandkids.
Can Elders Gauge If A Pedophile Has Repented? CBOE Tells me Yes!
by RottenRiley ina few years ago i had a talk with a cobe of the local kingdom hall, he said the elders could tell if a child-sex offender like fredick cecil maclean fbi list(hidding in oak ridge, oregon) would strike again.
i wish i had this on tape for candance contii's legal team because he reflects many of the cowards i served on with the body of elders.
there was a pedophile elder who bullied the other elders in to covering over his sins because the elders were either too old or his buddies he showered with gifts.
finally awake
I am sure that some pedophiles feel genuine regret. However, they are unable to change their basic nature. Lions DON'T eat grass, and pedophiles DON'T stop wanting to molest children.
Meeting others????
by DATA-DOG inare you like me, afraid of meeting up with faders and ex-jws??
i am afraid to be ratted out.
the only person that i have ever personally spoke to is raypublisher, well on the phone ans skype.
finally awake
if you ever come through Southern Illinois, my door is always open
Promotion! Woo!
by Laika inpraise jah, my awake education must have finally paid off.
no more living from paycheck to paycheck for me!
what a relief.
finally awake
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Scottish?
by RottenRiley inmy experience with jws, often they were very frugal and cheap, willing to use my car in field circus every weekend.
why are jehovah's witnesses so dense and obtuse when it comes to sharing costs and contributing?
has the topic of district convention 'tight-ass cheap-skating' jehovah's witnesses been talked about?
finally awake
The Grand Canyon was formed when a Scotsman dropped a penny in a ditch
Peace In The Middle East - It's a comin'
by scotoma infrom the un news centre (with breaking news from the un news service).
un officials hope observance of international year will lead to israeli-palestinian peace16 january 2014 the united nations today launched the international year of solidarity with the palestinian people, with senior officials urging that the observance be used to redouble efforts to achieve a durable peace between israel and palestine.. the coming year will be crucial to achieving the two-state solution, deputy secretary-general jan eliasson said in his remarks to the un general assemblys committee on the exercise of the inalienable rights of the palestinian people.. mr. eliasson said israeli and palestinian negotiators are working hard towards a peaceful, comprehensive settlement of all permanent status issues.
that means a settlement that ends the occupation that started in 1967 and which would end the conflict.. it also means securing an independent, viable and sovereign state of palestine living alongside a secure state of israel, where each side recognizes the others legitimate rights, he added.. the secretary-general and i urge all in the international community to work together to translate the solidarity and desire for peace expressed on this occasion into positive action for security and for justice.. last november, the general assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming 2014 as the international year of solidarity with the palestinian people, and requested the committee to organize activities around the observance.. general assembly president john ashe told todays meeting that he hoped the year leads to robust support for the people of palestine.
finally awake
peace in the middle east has a very simple solution. it is, however, an extremely unpalatable solution to most people. They can't fight with each other if someone bombs them completely off the map. I doubt that will happen anytime soon, so I doubt there will be peace in the middle east forthcoming.
by gamergirl inglad to be a new member and find others with similarities of background.
some background info on me: my dad became jw when i was young, so i spent maybe a third of my life in the religion.
although i respect everyone's beliefs, i personally knew many genuinely selfless people in my congregation, but the way i was raised, now that i am an adult i am realizing was very sheltered and unrealistic.
finally awake
does farmville count as a game? LOL welcome to JWN
Would you rather buy an exspensive Jacket or a 50 inch T.V?
by new hope and happiness ini chose the jacket....
finally awake
The TV is arguably the better use of money. A jacket that cost as much as a 50" TV would more than likely be some fancy designer label that wouldn't serve the purpose any better than a $50 jacket from WalMArt. The only reason to spend several hundred dollars on a jacket would be if it were a really high tech specialized jacket for extreme cold weather and you were a researcher posted in Antarctica for the winter.
Do you feel guilty?
by Justmenthedogs inso while i was out hiking with the dogs today i got to thinking about this forum and was wondering how many of you still feel guilty from time to time for leaving?
i do, i miss my family at times but then i think about the life that i have created and i have a good one, i have good friends and i am happy, happier then i ever was as a jw.
i was just wondering if others feel the same way sometimes..
finally awake
I don't have anyone left in that I feel responsible for, so my guilt is limited to feeling bad about ever exposing my children to the borg in the first place.
I need help in dealing with a toxic family member!!!!
by hoser ini have a close family member who is a pro in using shame to try to make me feel bad.
they are coming to stay at my place soon and the issue of me and mrs hoser not attending/ doing field service will come up no doubt.. i need some advice on how to deal with this because whenever i deal with these relatives they make me feel worthless.
it is probably part because they are jw's and jw's motivate by fear and guilt.. .
finally awake
The best solution is to cut them off. Do not engage them in any way. There is nothing for you to gain by continuing a relationship with these people.